Shah Rukh Khan Saying “Jab Meri Film Release Hoti Hai Us Din To Eid Hoti Hai” | Shahrukh Khan talk and Show his Excitement for DUNKI | Confirm Release Date on Christmas

2023-09-16 1

Prepare to be thrilled as Shah Rukh Khan shares his infectious enthusiasm for the upcoming film "DUNKI" during a special talk, where he confirms the film's release date on Christmas!

In this video, we capture SRK's charismatic words, his love for releasing movies during festive seasons, and his sheer excitement about the Christmas release.

Don't miss this chance to witness the star's excitement firsthand and mark your calendars for the festive release of "DUNKI."

#ShahRukhKhan #DUNKI #ChristmasRelease #FestiveExcitement #FilmAnnouncement